Tuesday, June 16, 2009


More on FLICKR - the other day I saw a thesis written by a librarian on the topic of FLICKR AND LIBRARIES - was gobsmacked - a whole giant thesis on Flickr. Obviously there is more than meets the eye here - or my eye anyway.



Picture Australia invites photos of historical, social and political events that have national significence. It is interesting because they have an outstanding contributer of the month and a discussion group. One conversational item was where a photographer grizzled about the limit of 5 photos a day - the reply was that the quality of photos and tagging varied and to avoid staff time editing poor uploads they limited them. So there is an obvious interest in high quality photos - wonder how many they get daily and how much staff time is spent.


Was impressed that there were 3,000 members and 83 discussions and over 26,000 photos. It is a bit overwhelming to visit Second Life Library 2.0 and see the Info Island Archipelago.

I've yet to evaluate flickr and libraries and maybe should revisit the thesis! for a sobering report on it ..... I think there was a focus on cataloguing somehow.

Anyway over and out. Hope I have some time to catch up and get on to the next testdrive ...working part time makes it difficult - but then I remember working full time there was no time available either for any training ..really.

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